How to run SAGE on a Mac




Is there a Mac version of SAGE?

SAGE Workplace subscriptions include access to our Windows app, web app, and mobile app (for Android and iOS).

The SAGE Workplace web app is browser based and fully compatible with Macs.


The SAGE Workplace web app is all you need to use SAGE, and web app is the prefered solution to access SAGE Workplace on a Mac

Th SAGE Workplace Windows app can also be run on a Mac using Windows emulation software. 

In order to run Windows applications need to purchase two additional pieces of software.

1.  Parallels (Virtualization Software)

You may purchase this directly from Parallels on their website,  or from other retailers that sell Mac Software.

2.  Windows (Operating System)

Parallels requires a "guest operating system", sold separately.  We recommend Windows 11 Professional 64-bit which can be purchased online (please see the Parallels website for more information about what versions of Windows and Mac OS are supported or contact their support for more information, see:  

Install Parallels then follow the their instructions for installing Windows.  Then you are ready to install SAGE.

More Information:

Other Solutions:

1.  Other Virtualization Software such as  VMWare Fusion (, will also work.  You will also need a copy of Windows (see step 2 above).

2.  Running Windows natively on your Mac.  Go to for more information.  This solution works well but does require you to reboot in order to "switch" to windows.  You need a copy of Windows (see step 2 above) to install in Bootcamp.

This article contains links to other sites for informational purposes.  These links were accurate at the time the article was published but may change in the future.  If you find any of the above links are not working, please let us know by contacting Technical Support at

Note that we cannot help you setup your system to run Windows.  You must have Windows set up with a working Internet connection before we will be able to help you install SAGE Windows based software.

Type: Info Publish Date: 7/29/2002 11:16:27 AM
Applies To: Online Last Updated: 1/19/2025 5:21:20 PM
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